Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Life (2017) - I Have Doubt

Time for a trailer review. That’s some scary trailer. I can’t wait to see what the movie is about. By the time this post is published, the movie should already out.
So, I haven’t even heard about this movie until I saw on Fandango that it is one of the new movie release. After watching the trailer, I am still debating whether this movie is worth watching.
Along with many negative things about the movie, such as the astronauts are extremely emotional and unprofessional, lack of basic knowledge, and many who have the title of “Dr.” do not represent the general Phd people.  However, its music, tension and rhythm are what have gotten my attention, but I am still not convinced to watch the movie at a movie theater.
In conclusion, I would give this movie a chance when the hard copies come out. I believe Life is best for sci-fi fans and I am sure they will love it. I doubt it will be love by the general audience.
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If you want to watch this film, purchase the movie ticket online through Fandango at this link. It’s currently on sale here only through Fandango.

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