Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Logan Trailer 2 - Last of Wolverine

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Logan: It’s sad to see the last Marvel film from Hugh Jackman. The music and the trailer had me tear up a little. I am interested in learning more about the young girl character. Maybe I am missing out  for not reading the comics.
When I first saw the trailer, I never knew that this movie will be about X-Men. “Logan”, I was wondering all along who is Logan. The Logan trailer had me confused and I thought the little girl was named Logan. I had to watch the trailer several times in order to understand what is the movie about. Never knew Logan is the name of Wolverine. At first, I thought this movie will less likely do well. However, after seeing different Logan trailers, I feel like this film will do really well in the ratings and audience will really like it. Definitely looking forward to watch this film.
In conclusion, Logan will not do well as the other Wolverine films. The reason it will be good is because no one can replace Hugh Jackman as a Wolverine. Okay, hope you guys love the film.
Let me know what do you guys think.
Buy movie tickets only through Fandango link.
Logan is available  in DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD for pre-order only at Amazon link.
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