Saturday, April 29, 2017

Godzilla (2014) - Should I Watch It?

LOOK IT’S GODZILLA!!! Ruuun!! Okay, stop with the suspense. It’s 2017, and I still haven’t watched the film yet. I keep hearing mixed reviews about the movie. After watching the trailer, I really like the suspense and all, but I don’t see the monster. That’s the point of watching Godzilla. I want to see more of the monster in the film. The monster only appears a small glimpse in last part the trailer. Before I buy the movie, I hope to see more of the beautiful cute monster in the movie.
For those who watched the movie, what do you guys think of the movie? Let’s talk about movies in the comment below.
If you want to watch this movie, I highly recommend you purchase online through Amazon at this link. It’s currently on sale here only through Amazon.

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